Effective Cleaning Product Swaps for a Healthier Home

When trying out a new way of doing things, it’s helpful to have some product swaps that are proven to do the same job, or even better. Especially when it comes to cleaning! These natural cleaning product swaps are easy to find, probably work better than what you are using, and are perfect for getting started with a healthier home.

I have been on a journey to find simple, natural product swaps that can effectively clean my home without introducing any harsh chemicals or synthetic fragrances. It took some time to really do a deep dive and learn more about traditional cleaning products and the harmful ingredients that most of them contain. Over time, this can have a big impact on our health!

Over the years as I’ve begun to make small changes in the products we use, I have come to find that there are a handful of natural cleaning products that can effectively clean my home, without adding in all of the added yucky stuff. The good news is that most of them are very easily accessible and much easier on your wallet, too!

If you are looking for a way to incorporate more natural, toxic-free living, cleaning products are a great place to start. We are marketed to so much with lots of different “miracle” products that don’t do much other than introduce harmful chemicals and fragrances into our home. We are much better off using a handful of simple and powerful non-toxic cleaning products in our homes. Let me walk you through a few of my favorites that I use on a regular basis.

Castile Soap

Hands down the most versatile and effective cleaner you can have. I use it for just about everything… from scrubbing toilets to washing dishes! Bye bye toilet cleaner and harmful dish soap!

Castile soap is an all natural, vegetable-based product made primarily of coconut oil and olive oil. Instead of using synthetic chemicals as ingredients, it is formulated with naturally found and sourced ingredients. A lot of dish soaps contain petroleum and harmful ingredients. Switching to castile soap for cleaning is both an effective and safe alternative. It also comes in a variety of natural fragrances… from lavender to tea tree and even peppermint! Much better than the harmful smells of traditional cleaners.

Recently, one of my new favorite products from Dr. Bronner’s is the Sal Suds Liquid Cleaner. Holy moly, talk about versatile and effective! I use it for just about any and every household cleaning task and still find that one bottle lasts a very long time. It is a very concentrated solution, so I will typically dilute just a couple tablespoons in warm water to give my countertops a deep clean, to mop the floor, or even mix with baking soda to make a powerful scouring agent for bathtubs and sinks.

Oxygen Whitener

Oxygen whitener is a great swap for bleach in your home! I use the Molly’s Suds brand, and will use a small scoop of oxygen whitener to brighten loads of whites in the laundry, or to even combat those pesky toilet ring stains. Bleach is sodium hypochlorite, which can be harmful when mixed with other cleaners. It is also an irritant to the skin and respiratory system. I find that oxygen whitener is just as effective, and has more uses since its safety surpasses most other cleaners.

Essential Oils

I find essential oils incredibly useful for cleaning! Not only are they great as a way to add natural fragrance to your home, they are also an important ingredient in many homemade household cleaners because many of them contain antibacterial properties. Adding just a few drops of essential oil can be a powerful thing! Tea tree in particular is very beneficial. It contains many anti-viral and anti-microbial properties, making it a great natural disinfectant.

You can grab my quick guide to get started cleaning with essential oils below.

Thieves All Purpose Cleaner

I have bought this cleaner through Young Living for years, and can’t say enough good things about it. It is extremely useful and versatile, and one bottle lasts a very long time! Like other natural products, it uses plant-based ingredients to effectively clean your home without using harsh ingredients. Ultra-concentrated and non-abrasive, it works great for just about any surface. And it smells great, too! Kind of like Christmas in a bottle.


There are many recipes out there for making your own homemade laundry detergent that are both budget friendly and effective! For me, I am currently using the Molly’s Suds brand for both our laundry and dishwasher detergent! All natural, plant-based ingredients and free of artificial fragrances… a win win.

While on the topic of laundry, I have recently joined the wool dryer balls bandwagon. There are many different brands out there that sell these, including Molly’s Suds, Branch Basics, and more! I would encourage you to find a brand that you like and give them a try. I really do find that they work well as a great natural alternative to fabric softener and dryer sheets, and they help to cut down on drying time!

a glass jar and wooden spoon full of white laundry detergent powder laying on a wooden cutting board

Other Favorites

Some other natural cleaning powerhouses that are a great addition to your cleaning repertoire include baking soda, distilled white vinegar, and rubbing alcohol. They are great to use as stand alone products or in homemade cleaners.

  • Baking Soda– great for kitchen messes! I use it to fight stick on messes, rust on my cast-iron skillet, to fight odors in my kitchen sink, and more. Lemon juice and baking soda work well together to combat tough messes and fight odors!
  • Vinegar– great for glass cleaner, cleaning microwaves and dishwashers, and more.
  • Rubbing Alcohol– great for cleaning and disinfecting most hard surfaces. I use it as an additive to my homemade all purpose and glass cleaners.

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Favorite All-Purpose Cleaner Recipe

Making your own homemade cleaner is a great way to get started with a healthier home! Check out my favorite all purpose cleaning recipe below.

  • 1 1/4 cups distilled water
  • 1 tsp castile soap
  • 2 tbsp rubbing alcohol
  • 10 drops of essential oil (I love to use lemon, grapefruit, lavender, or tea tree!)
  • Add all ingredients to a glass spray bottle. Refill as needed.

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What simple cleaning product swaps have you made in your home? Leave a comment down below. I’d love to know!

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